Kefir Grains

Welcome to Kefir Grains

Thank you for coming to our website.  We have been enjoying the benefits of kefir grains for years and several people have NEVER even heard of it.  We have been personally using it for years and our children grew up on it!

What is it?

In a nutshell, the process is a way to naturally process ferment dairy products without removing key natural benefits.  The benefits provide natural enzymes and microbes that aid in a healthy diet. Modern commercial food prcessing, specifically, pateurization has literally sucked the microbes and enzymes out through the process.  To combat this, we started years ago by taking control of our inner health and immune system.

What does it taste like?

I would say it taste like a semi-tart milk shake with the knock out power to fight off common colds.  It has been compared to the texture of drinkable yogurt.

How do you make it?

We have spent years trying to perfect the process and trying to explain to family and friends has been an absolute nightmare.  We have written directions, coached on the phone and even sent emails.  A friend of my wife sent me this link of the entire process and I have to be honest as it has saved us a ton of time and the deciding factor was it was 100% refundable.  It is funny when we have spent 30+ years doing something the same way and now we realize how much time we could have saved!

Word of CAUTION!

We have introduced several of our friends to this natural process.  If you are not use to a 100% natural fermentation process, please start with half a cup daily.  Because of the action packed nutrients and amino acids, your body will want to push the healthy benefits out quickly if you know what I mean.  In addition, you can mix with juices juices.  I read where a guy recommended coconut juice and that is a great idea!

We truly hope that you will get started today as it is never too late to enjoy the benefits of a healthy way of life!

Kefir Grains

Kefir Grains